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Go Back Sir Karl Jenkins’ The Peacemakers

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The Peacemakers is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives during armed conflict: in particular, innocent civilians. When I composed The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace for the millennium, it was with the hope of looking forward to a century of peace. Sadly, nothing much has changed. The Peacemakers is a work extolling peace. One line, from Rumi (the 13th-century Persian mystic) sums up the ethos of the piece: ‘All religions, all singing one song: Peace be with you’.”

-Sir Karl Jenkins


Sir Karl Jenkins is the most-performed living composer in Western music. As we strive to unite as a country and as we grieve for victims of war across the world, this profound piece speaks to our time. Using texts from myriad spiritual traditions and world leaders who have been advocates for peace, the piece is written for orchestra, chorus, and instruments from a variety of cultural traditions. This work should be experienced live together with our Boulder community. It will inspire and encourage us in the unique way that only Sir Karl Jenkins’ music can do. Shalom. سَلَامٌ. Paix. Paz. 和平. PEACE.